After losing 100lbs a year and a half ago I became content, now I am ready to get back on it

Hello all,

I am a 21 year old male living in San Francisco. About a year and a half ago I was at my lowest in a long time: 364lbs. I was ecstatic. Unfortunately, I became arrogant and full of myself. I thought myself to be the know-it-all and it felt good to get the attention. Well, that backfired. One summer, I let go, telling myself that I can eat what I want because I "earned" it. I never recovered from my mistake. Here I am now sitting at 444lbs, depressed and struggling with food once again. I am struggling and I am very scared and ashamed, but I am ready to start up again. I need some guidance and advice to get back on track, especially for those who have fallen off. I hope you guys have a wonderful day. Let's get this!

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